Get Rid of Spider Veins

September 16, 2009

Treatments to get rid of spider veins

Treatments to get rid of spider veins

While by far the best method to get rid of spider veins is with supplementsm, these alternative treatments have been known to get rid of spider veins as well. Some are more painful and/or less affordable than others, and should be carefully considered due to those reasons.

Sclerotherapy to get rid of spider veins

Sclerotherapy is one of the most common treatments to get rid of spider veins. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly into the spider vein to collapse the vein. Once collapsed the vein will turn into scar tissue and fade away. Sclerotherapy can obviously be very painful and usually requires a number of treatments to see even an 80% improvement. Sclerotherapy is also rarely covered by insurance and costs up to $400 per session. While moderately effective, sclerotherapy is not a good option for most people because of the level of pain involved.

If you can’t afford the thousands of dollars it could cost to use sclerotherapy to get rid of spider veins or you’re afraid of the pain during the procedure you’ll be better off using a far more effective supplement to treat your spider veins.

Acupuncture to get rid of spider veins

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical technique that involves using long, thin needles to correct energy flow and other problems in the body. To treat spider veins an acupuncturist will use needles and target the areas around the spleen, the stomach and the local area near the spider vein in an effort to fix the problem.

Acupuncture is used by some people to get rid of spider veins but research shows that it is not at all effective. The main benefit of acupuncture involves the treatment of varicose veins, a similar but more serious problem. Varicose veins do respond somewhat to acupuncture. Acupuncture can also be very scary, unpleasant and painful for many people and is not at all practical for those that are afraid of needles. If you’re considering acupuncture to get rid of spider veins it’s important to realize that there are much more effective treatments. Acupuncture is by far the least reliable way to treat spider veins.

Laser spider vein removal

Laser treatment is sometimes used to treat and get rid of spider veins. This treatment involves a laser aimed at the spider vein to destroy the coloration of the vein that’s often near the surface of the skin. The purpose of laser treatment is to destroy the spider vein without harming tissue nearby.

While laser treatment can be effective at reducing the appearance of spider veins it goes nothing to get rid of spider veins that are stubborn or deeper in the skin. Laser treatment to get rid of spider veins is also not covered by insurance at all and can be very expensive.

A session of laser treatment can cost hundreds of dollars and it will almost always require a number of sessions to see a reduction in the appearance of the vein. You may need to pay for one session just to calibrate the laser to your skin! If you’re concerned about money or want a treatment that addresses the cause of the spider vein and doesn’t merely try to get rid of spider veins as they appear, look for a supplement that can help your body naturally fight spider veins.

Supplements to get rid of spider veins

Supplements naturally allow your body to get rid of spider veins and prevent them from appearing in the first place by improving your vascular health and circulation as well as reduce inflammation. There are four main ingredients that should be found in any supplement designed to get rid of spider veins. First is hesperidin because it has natural anti-inflammatory properties that work wonders at preventing bruises and spider veins in the body.

Diosmin is another great ingredient that improves vascular health and circulation and has been used for years to treat spider veins, varicose veins, lymphedema and hemorrhoids.

Horse chestnut extract has anti-inflammatory properties and has the ability to improve your body’s circulation and banish spider veins from sight.

Butcher’s Broom extract improves the strength of the veins to reduce the chances of spider veins developing. Supplements with these ingredients are the best way to get rid of spider veins surely and easily.

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